Brain Development
Brain Development

For Children Aged 4-13 Years

Skill Enhancement

For Children Aged 4-13 Years

Critical Thinking

For Children Aged 4-13 Years


For Children Aged 4-13 Years

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UCMAS Kenya Ltd is a professional organization headed by a team of directors who are dedicated to the cause of offering society a novel and path – breaking method of education through the Universal Concept of Mental Arithmetic.

UCMAS Kenya Ltd started its operations in Kenya in November, 2011 as the sole franchisee of the UCMAS programme in Kenya

Foundation module

Construction module

Advance module

A whole brain develoment technique

Structural development with physical ABACUS

Functiona development with mental math

Learning sytles & skill development techniques





Our whole-brain development program builds foundational techniques that make learning math, effortless and enjoyable. By mastering these techniques using the Abacus, students develop the ability to think in pictures and quickly learn to perform large calculations mentally. Over time, our students come to love a subject they may have once struggled with, or even feared. Attaining astonishing calculation speed is actually the end-result of increasing the “brain-fitness”. Students learn to focus for sustained periods, to manage their time while completing long series of sums, as well as, to concentrate on more than one task at the same time while. These are crucial life skills that students will use again and again. UCMAS demands self-discipline and promotes the joy of lifelong learning and self-discovery. Our students become motivated learners – the best route to success in academics and beyond.

Concentration- Since UCMAS is a brain development program with emphasis on speed and accuracy, children get trained for immense concentration in the classroom sessions. One second of lost concentration will get them a wrong answer and hence they form the constant habit focusing on verbal number instructions, flashing of cards and visual reading of numbers done by their instructors.

OBSERVATION- UCMAS is a unique program that builds the observation power within a child. Quizzing children on flash cards, trains them to build on observation skills. With the emphasis on rapid image recognition and calculation with the abacus the brain behaves like a scanner, which scans the surroundings and follows the hand-eye coordination thus makes a child more observant.

MEMORY- Memory is the capacity of the brain to Receive, Retain, and Recall (3Rs). In this program, students are trained on the physical and the visual abacus to recognize the beads and calculate using mathematical formulae. When high-speed calculations are embodied using the 3 learning styles: auditory skills with verbal instructions, visual skills with recognition of images and tactile and kinesthetic skills with hands on use of abacus; children quickly identify the image, recall the corresponding number and the formula that has been retained in memory and with consistent practice enhances long-term memory power in a child.

IMAGINATION- Imagination leads to invention. UCMAS uses the concept of semi-image on the abacus. This helps students to unleash the capacity of the brain, which makes them visualize and convert the digits into images using the tangible beads of the abacus. Later, calculate visually and again process them back into written form of numbers.

CREATIVITY- Creativity stems from a highly imaginative well-developed brain. In the UCMAS program, most of the calculation and finger movements are done by the left hand, which is controlled by the right side of the brain. More left hand movement will develop right side of the brain. This enables students to develop their creative skills.


Chances are you won’t always have a calculator with you when you need to calculate, that is when Abacus comes to your rescue. The Abacus provides countable beads for children to visualize numbers on a base-10 system. The children learn to manipulate those beads to perform arithmetic calculations such as addition, substraction, multiplication and division.

What is an ABACUS


The word is derived from the Greek word ‘abax’, meaning “calculating board” or “calculating table”.

Chinese Invention.

The first Chinese Abacus was invented around 500 B.C. The Abacus, as we know it today, was used in China around 1300 A.D.

First Computer.

Often referred to as the first computer, the Abacus is an instrument used to add, subtract, multiply and divide, to calculate fractions and square roots.


It is still commonly used today across certain Asian communities.


Program Skills

UCMAS Methodology develops cognitive skills using 3 major senses: 1. Kinesthetic 2. Auditory 3. Visual
  • Brain develoment
  • Critical thinking
  • Creativity
  • Visualization
  • Logical reasoning
  • Concentration
  • Listening
  • Time Management


More about the program and business partnership
